On Saturday, March 16, 2024 Wild Mountain will host the 3rd Annual the Midwest Pond Skimming Championship!
Skiers and riders from across the Midwest are invited to test their skills on our 100' pond. Participants will skip and slide across this frigid span of water. Some will be succesful, many will fail. Of course, the crowd will roar and cheer for each and every success and fail across the water.
What's the reward for the brave souls who cross the lake? We are throwing down $1000 for the winner of the event! Yes, 1000 bones.
Music? Yes! Rowdy crowd. Yup! Free to watch? You betcha!
If you'd like to enter the compeition, the cost is just $5 and you must pre-register. Only 100 spots available.
WAIVER: All participants must have a waiver signed and presented at registration. Participants under 18 must have parent signature. Download here.
Each participant will have a chance to cross the pond. Entrants who don't make it will be out of the competition. Participants who cross the pond will get a second run to impress the crowd and judges.
Our judges will rate the participants on successfully crossing the pond. Plus, they'll also be judging costumes, wipeouts and overall steeze.
Best Overall: This is the participants that puts their costume, skimming ability and overall steeze to a new level to win $1000.
Best Costume: Dress to impress and win.
Best Wipeout: Hey, you may have crashed, but at least you got recognized for it.
Registration is free. Ages 10 and up. Waiver required. No rental equipment allowed. Ticket or season pass required.
Important: We hope to get all 100 participants through the event, but we can't guarantee this as the pool liner could rupture. Fingers crossed!
12pm-12:45pm: Number Pickup at Ticket Desk.
1pm: Participants meet at the Wild trail.
This event will follow our Good Vibes Pass Holder Party.